
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lead System Network system offers many different products

Now this Lead System Network system offers many different products. Many things like I mentioned that will be very useful in your online money making journey. Well as far as affiliate marketing is concerned especially.

Here are the things you can and will have access to if you join Lead System Network.

Publishing tools -

Capture page wizard
Landing page wizard
Light box capture page
Form creator
These are things needed to capture and convert your leads in Lead System Network. These kinds of tools are the pages you see all over the net asking for names and emails. That is what a capture page is for those unaware in Lead System Network.

Sales Management -

My leads
Ad coops
Ad copy
This part handles all your sales related stuff in Lead System Network. Basically things to do with your autoresponder. You need to be able to keep track of your leads, what they are doing/not doing and overall statistics.

Broadcast/Webinar tools -

Email broadcast
Voice broadcast
Postal broadcast
Google hangout
Text broadcast
This will be handling the hard work side of marketing for you in Lead System Network. These things allow you to connect with your leads and downline in it. You want to be able to communicate with all of your leads and things like this. Tools here in general are to get in contact with everyone and have online meetings and such in Lead System Network.

Respond tools -

Postal autoresponder
Email autoresponder
Voice autoresponder
Live chat
3rd party autoresponder
Text autoresponder
Here as you may be able to tell is all about the Lead System Network autoresponder. Aside from the basic email responders, you can connect by voice messages, and other things to get your message accross. You can integrate 3rd party autoresponders as well in Lead System Network This is for those who are with other programs with one like Aweber etc etc

. Lead System Network Lead System Network.
The Lead System Network Opportunity

Now this is the part most people looking at will be concerned with on Lead System Network. Let's just be honest here most people are looking to make money vs using the products. Unfortunately this is just how many people are in this niche.

Anyway for those looking to join this. Yes you can make money with it and 100 % commissions as it claims. To keep this simple and easy to understand you will have to recruit and refer. You will have to be able to and know how to get people to join and sign up here in Lead System Network. This is how you will make money here. Basically when people join and pay to join/upgrade you will get %'s and commissions off of them. So obviously the more people you can get to join this and under you the more money you can make.

The biggest thing to understand is like I said you will have to know how to market in general. If you can not get people to join this and sign up under you, you simply will not make money. So for those here for the compensation plan and to make money you need to understand this. Also let me add 100 % commissions are really not possible. Now I know almost everything these days claims it is, but it doesn't work like this. No company can pay 100 % commissions. This is due to affiliate fees and fees in general through your merchant accounts and whatever else it is you use for your payment processing. I just like to make people aware of this, as this is just how it works. People seem to not understand the whole 100 % commissions stuff, so I like to make it clear for those who don't understand it

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