
Monday, March 21, 2016

6 Tips for Pinterest Marketing in Just Minutes a Day

6 Tips for Pinterest Marketing in Just Minutes a Day

Pinterest marketing can take too much time if you don’t implement the right strategies. A comprehensive Pinterest marketing campaign can deliver amazing results with very little effort. Here are 6 tips to help you market on Pinterest in just minutes a day.

1. Repin Each Day For A Few Minutes

You should take at least three minutes each day to repin and curate to your Pinterest boards. Type in keywords for your niche in Pinterest search and based on your initial search, you will see additional search terms. Click on one of the words under the search bar and you’ll be able to add them. This makes it easier for you to find the best content that you can share.

2. Schedule Pins

This is one of the best strategies to keep your account active during weekends. It is recommended that you do this for at least 5 minutes on Fridays after posting your daily pins. When Scheduling pins you can choose a number of tools including Tailwin, Buffer or Viralwoot to post images. Tailwind is a better option as it allows you to schedule pins through your browser extension.

3. Follow Pinners In Your Industry Or Niche

To ensure a successful Pinterest marketing campaign, you need to follow relevant pinners in your industry or niche. Ensure that you follow 3 to 5 pinners every day. But you should avoid following just anyone. Ensure that you review the profile of a pinner before following him/her. Spare sometime in the course of the day (at least 5 minutes) to search for new pninners.

4. Comment On A Pin Every Day

Always check out for relevant pins you can comment each day. You can like many pins but if a pin inspires you then you can contribute something to the conversation. You should make at least one comment each day. Make the comments as short or as long as you want. But you should ensure that your comment is not self promotional.

5. Create Your Own Images

Create your own images and pin them to your Pinterest boards. These could be images that can be used with stand-alone graphics or blog posts. It is recommended that you do this all in one sitting. This saves time in production and concept.

6. Generate Content Ideas Using Analytics

Ensure that you review Pinterest analytics at least once a week. Evaluate your click progress, impression and repin. This will help you know which images and boards are attracting more attention.

Pinterest Quotes

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